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The West Gate:

The West Gate Building is a historic landmark centrally located in the heart of Jamestown, New York. This three story building was formerly the bus garage for the city of Jamestown, when West Gate’s central location was critical for efficient operation of Jamestown’s mass-transit system. Today the West Gate Building has been carefully restored by lifelong Jamestown businessman, Clayton Anderson, who recognized this historic building’s central location and unique topographical setting provided Jamestown with an opportunity for much needed professional office space having ample on-site parking at grade level for all three floors. No other professional office building in the city of Jamestown has more ample or convenient parking. While Jamestown struggles with parking shortages, West Gate patrons enjoy parking lots immediately adjacent the building’s three professional entrances, making West Gate a uniquely enjoyably destination for employees and patrons alike.


West Gate provides 10,000 feet of professional office space. Offices may be custom designed for each tenant’s needs. Building management offices are located on site to facilitate smooth operation of the facilities. There are three handicap accessible floors and views overlooking the Third Street Bridge. West Gate’s signage is clearly viewable from across the Third Street Bridge providing excellent advertising and location identification.



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